The Devil’s Party, Marx, Theory and Philosophy
A collection of papers prompted by the ‘Marx and Philosophy’ event held at Goldsmiths, University of London, in June 2008: ‘When Is It Safe to Go on Reading Capital? ‘ by Nicole Pepperell; ‘Marx’s Capital, The Importance of the Preface to the First Edition’
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Tom Bunyard (Author), Andrew Christodoulou (Co-editor, Contributor), Nick Gray(Co-editor, Contributor), John Hutnyk (Co-editor, Contributor), Rob Lucas (Co-editor, Contributor), Sam Meaden (Co-editor, Contributor), Nicole Pepperell (Co-editor, Contributor), Ben Polhill (Co-editor, Contributor), Nick Salazar (Co-editor, Contributor), Alberto Toscano (Co-editor, Contributor)