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The Finger and the Moon slim A4


From the operation ‘Cervantes’ to the correlated strategies of dominion.

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SKU: AD-2502 Category: Publishers:


This pamphlet is a contribution to explaining what the so-called operation ‘Cervantes’ is about, following which a great number of anarchists were under investigation for conspiracy for nearly two years. In February 2006 that charge was dropped, while three anarchists, Tombolino, Simone and Massimo, are still under arrest. Tombolino was found guilty of sending a letter bomb that caused a cop to lose two fingers, Simone was sentenced to six years for an explosive attack that took place against the court of Viterbo and Massimo was sentenced to three years for an attack against a McDonanld’s restaurants. None of the charges were backed up with any real evidence.
The attacks of repression not only strikes those who are behind bars today, but, like a collective scourge, they strike all of us. That is why fighting back without wasting time is an absolute necessity, which everyone must accomplish according to their own aspirations and means, passion and anger.