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Stolen Sharpie Revolution 5th Edition


“the ultimate guidebook to all things zine related. This little red book is stuffed with information about zines. Things you may know, stuff you don’t know and even stuff you didn’t know you knew”

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Alex Wrekk compiled this DIY guide that teaches how to make zines, understand zine culture, and make your own zine related crafts. The stuff you know, stuff you don’t know, stuff you didn’t know you knew. Just about everything with a focus on zines. Tips and tricks for photocopying, doing creative layouts, mail art, zine ettiquette, how to deal with distros, making paper, starting/working a distro, how to put out a record, how to make your own envelopes and stationary, binding ideas, advertising ideas, cures for writers block and tons more. Now a perfect bound book with a new layout including how to create/find zine libraries, an updated list of zine distributors and stores (as well as how to approach them), how to go on tour with your zine, and an even more extensive resource list than previously! An indispensible guide for zine makers and fans.


Since 2002 Stolen Sharpie Revolution has been the ultimate guidebook to all things zine related. This little red book is stuffed with information about zines. Things you may know, stuff you don’t know and even stuff you didn’t know you knew for the beginner to the experienced zinester. Stolen Sharpie Revolution consists of how-to guides on a variety of topics from layout to book binding to papermaking, resources online and off, where to find zines, information about zine libraries, how and where to get your zine distributed, reviewed and more!

Stolen Sharpie Revolution has been completely rewritten and expanded to 144 pages with new a layout and includes the previous informtion, updated resource listings for stores, distros, zine events and zine libraries. It will also contain all new sections on zines in academics and education, a guide to the US postal system, what to do at a zinefest, how to start a zine fest, lots of internet resources, and more!

This book has everything you need to get started creating your own zine or to figure out what to do with the zine you already made. Stolen Sharpie Revolution 5 can serve both as an introduction into the wide world of zine culture, and the next step to being a part of it.

Stolen Sharpie Revolution is printed with vegetable based inks on 100% recycled paper and bound with animal free glue.
144pages 4.25″ x 5.5″ ISBN 978-0-9817941-1-2

Parcell Press
“Alex Wrekk’s monumentally popular little red book for zine enthusiasts and the zine curious alike blew through three editions between 2002 and 2008, at which point it became out of print. Alex did a major overhaul on the content and resources listed in this fourth edition, so this is Stolen Sharpie Revolution 2. The book highlights the how-to’s, tips, and traditions of zines and zine culture. SSR remains a great resource for starting, maintaining, or understanding zines. 140 pages, 4.25″ x 5.5” 

Click Clack Distro
“Created by Alex Wrekk of Brainscan, this is the absolute ultimate pocket guide to everything you ever wanted to know about creating zines. For this fourth edition of Stolen Sharpie Revolution, Alex decided to call this edition “#2” because of the incredible overhaul of all of the information from the past editions. As of 2009, SSR has been out for 7 years. This printing is fully updated for the current state of zines including the latest distros, infoshops, zine events, review zines, etc. This guide gives detailed information on basics of making and distributing your zines including different forms for cover art, such as block printing and also binding options. Though, it does not stop there! SSR also gives great pointers on where to get zines, ideas for letters to zinesters, mail art, and how to use the United States Postal Service to your advantage! Highly recommended for both the beginner or, the seasoned zinester who needs a good motivator. “

Learning to Leave A Paper Trail Distro
” stolen sharpie revolution #2 (portland or)
this publication, which straddles the line between book & zine, with a traditionally zine-sized quarter-page shape & typewritten cut & paste contents, but perfect-bound & marked with an ISBN on the back cover, bills itself “a d.i.y. resource for zines & zine culture”. it has undergone many variations over the years as topics of interest to zinesters & patrons of zine culture continue to progress & evolve, & information in the resource listings requires constant updating, but what i have here is the newest edition, revised & updated for spring 2009. alex from “brainscan” zine curates the project, which includes contributions from a variety of zinesters & zine culture advocates, & dozens of folks helped to compile the exhaustive resource listing in the back (clocking in around thirty pages!), listing zine libraries, zine fests, online zine resources, zine distros, shops that stock zines, & more. alex addresses all the main elements of zining, which includes coming up with writing ideas, editing, layout tips, photocopy tricks, postal regulations, mail art, & more. she touches on sending zines to prisoners, starting a zine distro, paper crafts (paper making, blockprinting, etc), copyright & copyleft, organizing a zine fair, & more! this is a great intro to someone who is new to the zine world, because it provides a lot of ideas & inspirations for making your own zines, as well as suggestions for other ways to be involved in zine culture & find zines to read. but it’s also full of helpful tips & ideas even for long-time zinesters. if you curate a zine archive or organize zine workshops, a copy of this zine is indispensable. there are other mainstream resources for zine-making out there, but this one is created by a real zinester, with input from other real zinesters, & is the best reflection of true zine culture. “

Great Worm Express Distro
“Third Edition now available!

Most people know how to make a zine just by looking at one: write some stuff, photocopy it, fold the paper, staple it, et voilà! A zine. However, there is a little more effort involved in making a good zine. This is where Stolen Sharpie Revolution comes in with good advice on a variety of topics:

* Making a zine: tools, revision, layout, binding;
* How to make: block prints, silkscreen, paper, bookbindings, etc.;
* How to deal with distros and the rest of the zine community;
* How to run your own distro;
* How to put out a record.

There really is tons of useful information in there, even for the seasoned zine publisher. This is especially recommended if you want to start making a zine, and want to avoid mistakes by learning from others. 

Maximum RockNRoll
Stolen Sharpie Revolution #2
“This is the second installation of the how-to guide to making zines. Kind of similar, but totally overhauled, and now Stolen Sharpie Revolution includes stuff about the internets. It’s really useful and pretty open-ended, unlike a lot of how-to guides that get way too this-is-the-only-way and mega complex and stuff. It’s also a good resource for finding distros, review mags, and zine libraries. Totally seems like something to give yr[sic] little sister to impress her towards being cool, but I also felt like I learned some stuff, though I couldn’t say what. Not essential but really super gelpful.”

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