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Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark


Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark Corporate and Police Spying on Activists by Eveline Lubbers

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SKU: AD-2477 Category: Publishers:


The exposure of undercover policeman Mark Kennedy in the eco-activist movement revealed how the state monitors and undermines political activism. This book shows the other grave threat to our political freedoms – undercover activities by corporations.

Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark documents how corporations are halting legitimate action and investigation by activists. Using exclusive access to previously confidential sources, Eveline Lubbers shows how companies such as Nestlé, Shell and McDonalds use covert methods to evade accountability. She argues that corporate intelligence gathering has shifted from being reactive to pro-active, with important implications for democracy itself.

Secret Manoeuvres in the Dark will be vital reading for activists, investigative and citizen journalists, and all who care about freedom and democracy in the 21st century.

About The Author

Eveline Lubbers is a Research Fellow at the University of Bath, and an independent investigator with SpinWatch and privacy advocates buro Jansen & Janssen. She is the contributing editor of Battling Big Business: Countering Greenwash, Front Groups and Other Forms of Corporate Bullying (2002).

Published 2012