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Organise! *81


ORGANISE! for revolutionary anarchism, Magazine of the Anarchist Federation

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FULL CONTENTS Organise! magazine Issue 81 Summer 2013:

  • Editorial – What’s in the latest Organise!?


  • Utopian? Guilty your honour
  • Beyond perfection: What we can learn from science fiction utopias
  • Anarchism: Utopian or scientific?
  • Children of the Commune
  • Education in an anarchist society
  • In defence of Malatesta
  • Anarchism and organisation
  • Syria: The struggle continues
  • Statement from the Libertarian Socialist Movement (Egypt)
  • Culture Article: Henri Edmond Cross: Painter of Utopia


  • “I come to you like the beggar man…” – a review of Ursula Le Guin’s The Dispossessed.
  • Carlo Tresca: portrait of a rebel. by Nunzio Pernicone. AK Press.
  • Spanish civil war tour, Barcelona (review of walking tour)


  • John P. Clark’s The Impossible Community: Realising Communitarian Anarchism (Bloomsbury 2013). 

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