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I Am Action


I Am Action

Literary And Combat Articles, Thoughts, and Revolutionary Chronicles

Praxedis G. Guerrero (author); Javier Sethness-Castro (editor)
AK Press 2018

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“Without vacillation, I can say that Praxedis was the most pure, most intelligent, and most selfless man—the bravest when it came to the cause of the dispos­sessed.” —Ricardo Flores Magón

Praxedis G. Guerrero was born into a wealthy family in Guanajuato, Mexico, in 1882. While still a young man, he renounced his inheritance, claiming that he would rather earn his meals through manual labor than secure them by exploiting his fellow human beings. Within less than a decade, he was a central figure in the transnational revolutionary network established by the Organizational Council of the Mexican Liberal Party (PLM), which was dedicated to deposing the dictator Porfirio Díaz and promoting anar­chist revolution throughout Mexico. He was killed in battle at the age of twenty-eight in 1910.

Guerrero was also one of the most prolific and talented revolutionary writ­ers of his era, penning numerous articles that were known for both their literary style and their polemical force. In this volume, editor and translator Javier Sethness-Castro has collected a wide range of Guerrero’s work for the newspapers RevolucíonPunto Rojo, and Regeneracíon, most of them appear­ing for the first time in English. This edition also includes a biographical introduction and helpful annotations throughout.

JAVIER SETHNESS-CASTRO is the author of Imperiled Life: Revolution Against Climate CatastropheEros and Revolution: The Critical Philosophy of Herbert Marcuse, and For a Free Nature: Critical Theory, Social Ecology, and Post-Developmentalism.

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