Contributions to the Revolutionary Struggle by Ratgeb
Contributions To The Revolutionary Struggle – Intended To Be Discussed, Corrected, And Principally Put Into Practice Without Delay by Ratgeb (Raoul Vaneigem)
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Behold the society we will build.Behold the reason that we seek your destruction.
Contributions to The Revolutionary Struggle,Intended To Be Discussed,Corrected,And Principally,Put Into Practice Without Delay
Ratgeb- (Raoul Vaneigem)
1)Haven’t you ever, just once, felt like turning up late for work or felt like slipping away from work early? In that case, you have realised that:
(a) Time spent working is time doubly lost because it is time doubly wasted… – as time which might more agreeably be spent making love, or day-dreaming, on pleasure or on one’s hobbies: time which one would otherwise be free to spend however one wished;
– as time wearing us down physically and nervously.
(b) Time spent working eats up the bulk of one’s life, because it shapes one’s so-called “free” time as well, time spent sleeping, moving about, eating, or on diversions. Thus it makes itself felt in every part of the daily lives of each one of us and reduces our daily lives into series of moments and places which have the same empty repetition and the same growing absence of real living in common.
(c) Time spent fulfilling an obligation to work is a commodity. Wherever there is commodity there is, unfailingly, obligatory labour and nearly every activity comes, little by little. to resemble obligatory labour: we produce, consume, eat and sleep for an employer, or a leader, or a State, or for the system of universal commodity.
(d) The less work, the more life.
So you see… you are already fighting, consciously or otherwise, for a society which would guarantee each one of us the right to dispose of one’s own time and space: and to build for ourselves each day the life we would choose.