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Broadening the Struggle and Winning the Media War


 “Marcos Mystique”, “Guerilla Chic” and Zapatista P.R.. A sympathetic look at the relationship of the EZLN guerilla army, and more specifically its charismatic spokesman Marcos, and the world media.

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SKU: AD-1068 Category:


This booklet analyzes the tactics and strategies employed by the Zapatistas, and in particular Marcos, to court the diverse sectors which constitute Mexican civil society and to maximize their international profile. The Zapatistas have shown us how the dangerous tiger that is the media can in fact be to some extent tamed, mounted and ridden in the direction one wants, by a highly astute left-wing guerilla movement. How have the Zapatistas, as opposed to some of the 30 other armed struggle indigenous groups in Mexico, managed to consistently grab the media spotlight, and become a worldwide symbol of opposition to Neo-Liberalism and the spread of global capitalism.


Clifford Harper has contributed to Broadening the Struggle and Winning the Media War: ‘Marcos Mystique, ‘ Guerilla Chic, and Zapatista PR as an editor. Clifford Harper was born in 1949. After being expelled from school at the 14 he took an active interest in the vibrant anarchist movement around him. Excelling as an illustrator from a young age, Clifford began offering his services to the international movement before securing work with various British dailies in the 80s. He has contributed to dozens of books. 

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