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Bomber Jackson Does Some


Bomber Jackson Does Some, A novel by Bob Boyton

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What chance has a bloke got of going straight when it’s been twenty years of boozing and prison since his last big fight?

That’s what Bomber Jackson has to discover when he sets out in search of love and sobriety. It’s the early hopeful years of the Blair government but hope is in short supply for an edgy homeless ex boxer and what else can he do but pick himself up and start again every time life knocks him over… except slowly bit by bit he seems to get the feel for what a new life would be like if only he could stay away from the drink. Then just when Bomber could be saved there comes a final act of loyalty and violence which might leave him dead or in prison for a very long time.

A serious story told in popular form, Bomber Jackson will keep you wondering right to the end whether he achieves redemption or not.

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Weight 0.450000 kg