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Big Trip Travel Agency 3, Pete Loveday


The further adventures of Russell and his friends.

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SKU: AD-505 Category: Tag: Publishers:


Pete Loveday is a British underground cartoonist. He drew many comics charting the adventures of hippie character Russell including Big Bang Comics, Big Trip Travel Agency, Plain Rapper Comixprinted by AK Press.

He draws like Robert Crumb or Gilbert Shelton with lots of cross-hatching. Big Bang Comics is Britain’s most successful underground comics. Recurring themes in the comics are drugs, Rock festivals, environmentalism etc. Plain Rapper Comix #2 is Loveday’s pamphlet in comic book form on a history of hemp and why it would be beneficial for the environment to replace tree paper with hemp paper and he practices what he preaches by being the first publication in modern times to be printed on such paper. The Russell comics were reprinted in book form Russell, The Saga of a peaceful man published by John Brown Publishing.

As a champion of British small press comics he drew lots of multi-artist jam strips in B. Patston’s Psychopia. He drew a Russell comic in Danny King’s Blah, Blah, Blah!

He previously had a stall at Glastonbury Festival selling tobacco tins and his comics but now his eyesight is failing he doesn’t have any plans for more Russell comics – (which is  a shame cos they are great and he’s a cool guy. – jon Active)