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Anarchist Studies Vol 25 *2 Oct 2017


Anarchist Studies is an inter-disciplinary journal of scholarly research into the history, culture and theory of anarchism.

SKU: AD-4466 Category:


‘A Good Deal of Disorder’ or The Anarchists & Anti-Fascism In The UK – M. Testa

Reconsidering the Newest Social Movements from the Perspective of Lacanian Sociology – Duane Rousselle

‘A Feminist Disciple of Nietzsche’: The Case of Dora Marsden’s Unstable Anarchism – Dominique Miething

Man, ‘Quite a World of Federations’ or Man ‘is a Group’: The Incompatibility of Anarchism and Individualism – Costas Galanopoulos


Attack the machinery of permitted consumption. Advertising Shits in Your Head: Strategies for Resistance Subvertising and The Piracy of Outdoor Advertising reviewed by Huw Wahl


Helene Minkin, Storm in My Heart: Memories from the Widow of Johann Most. Reviewed by Thomas Klikauer

Mark Mattern, Anarchism and Art: Democracy in the Cracks and on the Margins. Reviewed by Oliver Harrison

Stuart Jeffries, Grand Hotel Abyss: The Lives of the Frankfurt School. Reviewed by Oliver Harrison

Matthew S. Adams, Kropotkin, Read, and the Intellectual History of British Anarchism: Between Reason and Romanticism. Reviewed by Nathan Jun

Natasha King, No Borders: The Politics of Immigration Control and Resistance. Reviewed by James Ellison

Federico Ferretti & Patrick Minder, Pas de la dynamite, mais du tabac: L’enquête de 1885 contre les anarchistes en Suisse romande. Reviewed by A.W. Zurbrugg

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Walker C. Smith & William E. Trautmann, Direct Action & Sabotage: Three Classic IWW pamphlets from the 1910s. Reviewed by Benjamin Franks

Peter Gelderloos, Worshiping Power: an Anarchist View of Early State Formation. Reviewed by John-Erik Hansson

Chris Robé, Breaking the Spell: A History of Anarchist Filmmakers, Videotape Guerrillas, and Digital Ninjas. Reviewed by Allan Antliff

Ching-In Chen, Jai Dulani & Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarashina (eds), The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities. Reviewed by Rhiannon Firth

Neil Shirley & Saralee Stafford, Dixie Be Damned: 300 Years of Insurrection in the American South. Reviewed by Catherine Armstrong

Richard White, Simon Springer & Marcelo Lopes de Souza (eds), The Practice of Freedom. Anarchism, Geography and the Spirit of Revolt. Reviewed by Federico Ferretti

Marcelo Lopes de Souza, Richard J. White and Simon Springer (eds), Theories of Resistance: Anarchism, Geography, and the Spirit of Revolt. Reviewed by Simon Runkel

Clifton Ross, Home from the Dark Side of Utopia: A Journey though American Revolutions. Reviewed by Andrew Cornell

Karen Kennedy, Deeply Felt: Reflections on Religion & Violence within the Anarchist Turn. Reviewed by Keith Hebden

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation. Reviewed by Dana Williams

Agustin Comotto, 155 Simón Radowitzky. Reviewed by Mitchell Abidor

Chris Knight, Decoding Chomsky. Science and Revolutionary Politics. Reviewed by Peter Seyferth

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