Abandon Punishment sticker
Image by Roger Peet, Just Seeds Artists Collective
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An image in a series of images trying to come up with new ways to talk about prison abolition. Punishment isn’t working, it never has and it never will. What could we do instead?
Artist’s description:
“I made this blockprint while in Medellín, Colombia, after visiting the Museum of Peace. This small but powerful museum documents the intense history of Colombia’s civil conflict, so much of which was the result of a terrible need to punish people for their ideas, or just who they are. I think it’s relevant to the contemporary abolitionist movement in the US as well- we need to figure out better ways to deal with each other than just punishing each other into the ground.”
If you like the design, you can download a high-res version of the original here: https://justseeds.org/graphic/abandon-punishment/