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Anarchism, Marxism and the lessons of the Commune A6


Booklet by Iain Mckay. Active 2024

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By Iain Mckay

A6 booklet, 146 pages.

There are a few sure things about reading history books. Firstly, and most obviously, you generally know how it ends (badly, in the case of the Paris Commune). What is important is what you learn from the events discussed. Secondly, when it is a Marxist account you are guaranteed that it will (at best) ignore or (at worse) distort the anarchist involvement and analysis of events. In this, Leninist Donny Gluckstein’s account of the Paris Commune does not disappoint: he both ignores key aspects of the anarchist critique and distorts what parts he does cover.

The Paris Commune is a significant influence for all revolutionary socialists, anarchists as well as Marxists. It should be well known in libertarian circles so there should be no need to discuss its history in any great length.3 Not only were there “among the Communards Anarchists and Syndicalists of a number of different brands”4 but Michael Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin saw the Commune as a striking confirmation (in both positive and negative senses) of anarchist ideas.

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